Who is this?
For what purpose?
This February is a month of transition. Throughout most of the month the season of Epiphany shapes our worship and focuses us on the question, “Who is this?” Seamlessly flowing from the Christmas celebration the season of Epiphany begins to tell the story of who this Jesus is. We see Jesus at the Jordan River and hear John the Baptist call him “The One.” We find Jesus out among the people, beginning to call those first few folks who will become part of the twelve, the disciples who go on this journey with him. The narration of the text shares with us that Jesus preaches a message of repentance, heals all who are broken and tells all who would listen that the kingdom of God is touching them in his presence. The Gospel of Matthew helps us to hear this Jesus expound on Scripture and what relationship with God is about as we read through the Sermon on the Mount. In all of this, we come to recognize, along with John, that Jesus is the Promised One of God, the Messiah. Then Jesus takes a few of his disciples up on a mountaintop and is transfigured before their eyes, holding a conversation with Moses and Elijah. This Transfiguration, this transformation, abruptly changes everything in the Gospel, foreshadowing what is to come. Now that we know who Jesus is… the Messiah… we are drawn immediately into a new direction, a critical question. For what purpose? What is this Messiah to do? How will this Messiah fulfill God’s mission? As Jesus leaves the mountaintop, coming back down again, the season of Lent begins, and the face of Jesus is turned toward Jerusalem. Now that we know the identity of Jesus (Epiphany), we move toward learning the mission of Jesus (Lent).
This February is a month of transition. Over these coming weeks we will be renewed in our continuing discovery of who Jesus is. Then, shaped by this knowledge, we have our focus changed in an instant as Jesus is Transfigured and our journey is transformed. We, the beloved children of God, then have the awful, awesome opportunity to hear and see the rest of the journey unfold, following Jesus as we witness the fulfilling of God’s plan of redemption. February is a month of transition. Join us for the journey.