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Dear Apostles Lutheran Church,

As we welcome 2025, I’m inspired by the words of Rev. Helen Casey-Rutland, a former PPCC Board President. “When hurting people find healing, lives are changed. When pain in relationships is eased, families are made more whole. When apparent dead-ends become new starting points, communities grow stronger. A new year brings fresh beginnings and opportunities for our clients—and for generous supporters like you. Your contributions profoundly impact the lives of those we serve, enabling us to provide mental health counseling that integrates mind, body and spirit. The Board of Directors and Staff of Peninsula Pastoral Counseling Center sincerely appreciate your contribution of $300 reflecting your commitment to PPCC’s mission. Your support is making a meaningful different in the lives of our clients. Thank you for partnering with us to ring wholeness and healing to our community.

With gratitude,
Ford McFall, Development Director
Peninsula Pastoral Counseling Center

(Editor’s note—Pastor Jay, Doug Dalager and Barbara Runk recently toured the PPCC—if you would like more information about PPCC, please contact one of them or Ingrid Peterson who works there.)