Sailing With Apostles This Week

March 10 - 16, 2025

News and Updates for Our Community of Faith

 - Pastor Jay will be in the office Monday from 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM (Pastor Jay and Jamie are providing dinner for GUEST tonight and then Pastor Jay will stay for the sign in shift for GUEST) and from 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM on Thursday for Preaching GuildPastor Jay is also available by phone and email - 570-205-7506 and

Apostles is providing overnight shelter for the GUEST Winter Night Shelter this week starting Monday night through next Sunday. A BIG thank you to everyone who is helping!!!

- Pastor Jay will be attending a gathering of the ELCA Lutheran churches in the Coastal Partnership of the Virginia Synod on Tuesday at Holy Communion Lutheran Church in Portsmouth for "Strong Connections Conversations" with ELCA Bishop MiltonWatch for an article in the upcoming edition of The Epistle about "strong connections" - the vision and mission of the Virginia Synod. 

The season of Lent will continue this Wednesday, March 12th, with soup and bread at 6:00 PM and worship at 7:00 PM. The theme for our Lenten journey this year is "The Church In Time" - Pete Liljeberg will bring us the message this week. Our Lenten offering this year has been designated for Global Refuge (formerly Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service). 

Choir will practice after the midweek Lenten Service on Wednesday. Come join us!!

Preaching Guild will be meeting on Thursday, March 13th at 3:00 PM.  

Don't forget to pick up items for the Guatemala mission health kits - we need toothpaste, toothbrushes, bars of soap and lip balm. We will be putting together the health kits after worship this coming Sunday. 

- Sunday School for all ages will be held after the worship service next Sunday.  All are welcome!!

We will NOT have fellowship after worship next Sunday because we are hosting the night shelter. 

Finally, this coming Sunday is World Hunger Sunday - please remember your offering - UNTIL ALL ARE FED!!