As of January 1, 2023, the Rev. Joseph A. Serafin, (“please feel free to call me Pastor Jay”), was appointed by Bishop Humphrey and the Virginia Synod, along with a vote of Apostles Church Council, to the position of Interim Pastor at Apostles. He came to the Virginia Synod via the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod, where he had served over the past 33 years in two parish settings, most recently serving the Brandonville-Ringtown parish for over 27 years. Jay and his wife Jamie moved to Williamsburg in September 2022 after purchasing a house there earlier. Academically, he graduated from Penn State with a degree in religious studies and from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg (now known as United Lutheran Seminary) with a Master of Divinity degree. As his call to Apostles is part time, office hours, generally Monday and Wednesday from 10am-1pm, may vary according to other congregational or synod events, but he is available for emergencies and important information at any time. Pastor Jay is thankful to serve as Pastor at Apostles and looks forward to God’s grace working in us and through us as we share the good news together here and in the world.